Sugar Glider exhibition at MYDIN MITC Melaka

Last Saturday n Sunday, me & Alex went to the Mydin MITC Melaka.....
There was an exhibition of Sugar Glider host by one of the famous breeder at Penang, Fazlee Suggie Shop...
Both day was very awesome!!
Yg paling best, ramai yg tegur, & they seems to very know me...
& of coz they do...
I je yg x kenal dorg..
It's not x kenal actually, just x cam aje..
Mmg most of the ppl I met that day, always IM-ing with me but then most of them did not put their real pic on their Fb...
Then how come nk recognize aite?

X byk pon keje yg kami buat..
Sekadar beramah mesra dgn sume org & educate new ppl that interested on Sugar Glider...
I was so blessed bila dpt jumpa all the Otai like Kak Allena, Fazlee & Andy..
Thanks Andy for bathing, nail-clipping & checking my suggies :)

Event ni berjalan dgn lancarnye...
Walaupon x ramai team-mates yg dtg tp sokongan dr pengunjung sgt meriah :)
& as usual, we met certain owner yg bela sg dorg dgn cara yg slh...
Mls dh nk ulas psl al yg ni...
Ape pon, c what's on my hand?
Platinum Mosaic ;D

Platinum Mosaic
Own by Kak Allena 


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