Wahhh matang dah usia...
Banyak pengalamn yg diperoloehi, ilmu, rakan, musuh...
Kih kih kih...
I already experienced bela 5 ekor sg which 2 was already gone...
Cerita ade di sini ~
Yg psl prince lupe nk blog rupenye...
Now I owned 2 males, 1 female & 2 joeys which I dunoe when they gonna come out..
Dunoe yet what the gender will be..
Excited nie!! ;D
Selama setahun bela sg ni x de la susah mana..
Myb since I still got enough time for them, doesnt have any commitment to face...
Sbb tu still bole goyang kaki bela dorg..
& alhamdulillah setakat ni dorang x pernah sakit..
Kadang2 risau jugak tgk budak2 ni post kata sg gugur bulu la, kurus la, tu la ni la..
Ishh selisih bias 44....
Now I'm so blessed with Choco, Yurie & Mary Jane..
Thanks to my friends who believe in me on taking care off their sg..
Yeah I got them for free...
Such a big responsibility..
K lemme tell all of u a little about my sg's..
We start with Choco..
I got him from my classmate...
At 1st I just take care of him because my friend said that he was so stubborn, fierce & love to bite her..
So I take over Choco for a while just to tame him..
Actually Choco ni x de langsung 1 pon sifat2 yg my friend sebut tu..
The reason he's acting like that is because he is paranoid..
Why I said like that is because, he doesnt know who's the real owner, always berpindah tangan..
Mse dgn I, I treat him like what I did to Prince, Loki & Jane..
& for me, he is okay..
At 1st he was like soo over dirty!!!
1st time mandi, segala kotoran melekat kt kain towel ok!!
He is a great husband to Jane...
Very loving husband..
Love to see him hug & cuddle Jane :)
But then suke 1 je perangai buruk dye..
Choco suke sgt pijak & kotorkan bdn Jane!
Aiyoooo x suke taw mummy ;(
Tapi Choco da jd hak milik my another friend, Sya..
Terpaksa bg kt dye since I got Yurie now..
Nk cite lebih pon malas la...
Hny certain org je yg tau :)
Skang Choco is with me until Jane's babies oop nanti..
Then after that I will take over Yurie back & Choco akan balik ke Sya...
K next is Yurie..
I got him from my friend cz he can't take care of Yurie anymore since he got new sibling..
His parents was afraid that the baby will get asthma...
SO he gave Yurie to me cz he trusted me...
Alhamdulillah, thanks Nawie Othman for believing in me :)
Wat ms skarang Yurie kt umah Sya sbb I terpaksa swap Choco since Yurie cannot accept Jane's babies..
This swapping things dibuat pon atas nasihat pakar..
So dun argue or talk behind me ok! :)
Ok we move on to my only princess, Jane :)
She's the only female that I have..
Jane da ade ngn I since I still have Loki with me..
Then Loki ran away, I got Choco..
So she stay with Choco for about 1 month & trus pregnant..
Twins :D
She's a nice girl but sometimes so loud!
Suke sgt crabbing..
But the best thing is, she will only crabbing when she heard an unknown voices other than me...
She will immediately stop crabbing when I Shhhh her :)
Dye ni senang sgt nk adapt ngn sg lain..
Dulu ms dgn Loki, Loki ajar Jane tuk bangun setiap jam 12 tengah hari semata2 tuk main kt lua cage, setiap jam 3 pagi tuk makan & 5 pagi tuk kua main kacau mummy nye tengah tido :)
Then when she is with Choco, Choco aja pulak jadi garang..
Amboi ibu bunting ni da pandai gigit2 ye..
Rase nk tangan2 kan je budak ni..
She's special cz she got a grey color on her body & caramel color on her head..
Plus, her eyes are slightly Juling..
Kui kui kui ;p
X sabar nk tunggu babies dye ni :)
K ni je la yg ade..
Bout Prince & Loki, rasenye x nk cite dh pasal dorang..
Cukup la u guys review kt post2 lama :)
Dulu my 1st sg was bought on 17th of Jan then he lost on 17th of Feb...
My 2nd sg was accidentally bought on 17th of May..
X rancang pon mse tu..
& guess what?
He ran away also on 17th but on September la..
Semuanya 17..
Smp 1 tahap tiap kali nk 17 haribulan je 1 bdn jd seriau..
Kali ni just pray for the best je..
Moga Allah permudahkan urusan penjagaan joeys yg bkl keluar ni :)
So, on below is my anak2 pny picture..
Tq for ur time :)
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From Left : PRINCE ~ LOKI ~ CHOCO ~ JANE |
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