Alhamdulillah, Thank God

I fount out something yesterday..
My beloved sugar glider, Jane is pregnant!!!
She's carrying TWINS ;D
Omg, I can't say how much thankful I am feel right now...
Ya Allah, time kasih atas rezeki ni :)

At 1st I was hope that she will having a baby with my Loki, the 1 that disappeared last September...
But, got no luck...
She's pregnant Choco's babies, the 1 that my friend sent to me last month...
I noticed this thing yesterday..
Accidentally touched her tummy & I felt 2 bump inside it...
Nasib ms tu kt public, klu x mmg da melompat2 menjerit2 dh excited pny pasal ;D

Right now I have to take care of her diet, her feeling & her environment..
Jane, mummy promise, I will buy u new cage ASAP k baby :)
Can't wait for the OOP (out of pouch) day to arrive..
Arghhhhh...!!!!!! ;D

Pinn pinnnn...!!!!! ;p


"I want to marry a guy as same like my dad but unfortunately, he doesn't exist"

Y am I saying like that?
Meaning by, I want to marry a man as same as my Abah..

Yes Abah...
Abah dlm diam dye, dlm serius dye, masih ade akal, masih ade inisiatif, masih ade nawaitu dye tuk menyenangkan hati mama, tuk memenangi hati mama yg dulunye PLAYER tu ( k now I know where I got that attitude) <--- bukan cerita bohong hehehe..Tp tu dulu pny cerita ye, Now da cuci tangan :)

K2 back to the story...
Haritu I went back to my hometown with my mom & my little sis...
Mama open a story on how serious my Abah on try to win her heart..

Kami ikut jalan lama Lenggeng - Seremban...
Mama said dlu masa dye berkawan ngn abah (lum bercinta lagi), jalan ni masih berbatu kerikil lagi..
Stok klu lalu tayar bole bocor punye..
& x de lampu jalan sgt...
& her story goes like this :

Dulu ade 1 haritu Mama g tido umah mak long korang tolong jaga kak Enie...Abah kau turun dr Perlis ke umah nenek semata2 nk jumpa Mama...Abah korang x tau pon Mama xde kat umah masa tu...Sampai je, nenek cakap Mama kt umah mak long...Yela, zaman dulu mana nak datangnya talipon2 ni...Sumenye pakai surat...Tu pon belum tentu sampai kan..Tu yg abah kau main redah je sbbnye ingat mama memang ade kt umah masa tu...So da tau mama xde kat umah, Abah korang pon pinjam la moto buruk nenek tu..Alaa yg Honda petak wane biru tu....Malam tu jugak dye gerak g umah mak long...Mas tu da pukul 10 lebih kot..Malam...Dengan moto x berlampunye, dgn jalan yg berbatu2, jauh pulak lagi...Bayangkanla....Tu kalau dibuatnye terpengsan tengah jalan memang x kan ade orang perasan sbb jalan tu sunyi sangat....Sampai je umah Mak Long pon da lewat malam..So bermalam la kt situ...Sok tu, abah korang balik umah nenek naik moto tu jugak & mama Pak Long & Mak Long ko anta, ikut dr belakang...Masa kes ni la baru betul Mama decide, abah ko la org yg mmg bole jaga mama & anaka2 mama nanti...Kes ni la yg buatkan Mama bukak hati tuk terima pinangan abah ko....Memang jauh pon klu ikut jalan tu if dari umh nenek ke umah mak long..It takes almost 1 hour x silap..If naik moto lg lama...So bayangkan la...Betapa besarnye PENGORBANAN Abah...Penangan cinta bak kata Mama...But for me, it is not penangan cinta...Tp itu adalah indicator seorang lelaki yg betul2 lelaki...X berkira walau apa pon untuk gadis kesayangan dia...X kisah la jauh ke dekat ke penatke nak mati ke, dia akan usahakan jugak klu dia dah betul nak....

Da la dtg dr Perlis..
Utara ke Selatan tu...
Naik bas saje pon da bape jam?
(Kire tuk perjalanan masa dulu ye)
Semata2 nk jumpa mama..
Walhal x couple pon lagi...
Tp disebabkan berkehendakkan Mama sgt2, abah sanggup x rehat terus redah lg skli perjalanan yg jauh...
Abah tunjuk effort dia...

I really adore his EFFORT on winning my Mom's heart...
Cer tgk zaman skrg?
Bape kerat je lelaki yg mampu nk buat mcm My dad aka Orang zaman dulu?
Payah sgt nk dapat kn?

My parents

Saturday Night Fever

Last week on Sunday I was having the most terrible fever ever...
Rasa nk mati time tu rasenye...
Tido gigil2, sakit badan x yah cakap...
At 1st I was taking care my boyfie...
Dye yg demam dulu...
Hai mcm jg budak kecik la...
Alih2 balik kite pulak yg demam...
Worst than him...
Elok je bangun tido terus demam..

At 1st doc thought I was having a Dengue fever..
Lucky that I am not..
But worst to be told, dmm ni teruk kene SAMPUK rupanye!!!

Nenek pandai buat ubat Ketegur..
Tetbe dye tny " Ko ade lalu kt tmpt cine mati ke?"
Tekezut mak..
Ingat2 balik mmg ade..
Otw balik Senawang ade lalu 1 kedai ni dorg tgh sembah ade family mati..
Alhamdulillah, berkat doa nenek n dgn izin Tuhan, I'm all ok now :)

Tp yg nk cite sgt ni, pasal Mama...
Yes My Mom...
She show how much she love me the way she taking care of me on that time..
Terharu beb!
I sndri pon x buat cmtu bile dye sakit..
Tu la kasih sayang mak kan?
Xde tandingan..
Tapi dlm tu bebel dye x bole tinggal jugak..

The end ;)

Not a Wordless Wednesday :)

See, I still can SMILE even though my heart is BROKEN :)

Ear Candy?? :)

I changed my song playlist...
Now I added new songs..
As u can see on my playlist, there are 3 songs...

The 1st song that I chose is from Adele entitle Hiding my heart away..
This song gave similar situation that happened to me when I was met him..
We met accidentally..
The lyric told every detail on our 3 month relationship..
I love the part "I dropped you off at the train station"
Because that was our last moment..
Our last meeting...
Just read the lyric & U will understand how I feel for the past 3 months...
Feel free to hear the song...

So this is how the story went
I met someone by accident
who blew me away
who blew me away

It was in the darkest of my days
When you took my sorrow and you took my pain
And buried them away, you buried them away

And I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
you'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

I dropped you off at the train station
And put a kiss on top of your head
I watched you wave
I watched you wave
Then I went on home to my skyscrapers
Neon lights and waiting papers
That I call home
I call that home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

I woke up feeling heavy hearted
I'm going back to where I started
The morning rain
The morning rain
And though I wish that you were here
On that same old road that brought me here
Is calling me home
Is calling me home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear someday
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
I can't spend my whole life hiding my heart 

2nd song is also from Adele entitle Fool that I am...
I chose this song because it suits my situation with my ex...
It really does...
Hearing this song makes me feel that I'm totally dumb to believe him for 3 months...
The lyrics express it well...
Feel free to click the video...

Fool that I am for falling in love with you 
And fool that I am for thinking you loved me too 

You took my heart then played the part of little coquette 
And my dreams just disappeared like the smoke from a cigarette 

Fool that I am for hoping you'd understand 
And thinking you would listen to all of the thins 
The things I had planned 

But we couldn't see eye to eye 
So darling 
Darling this is goodbye 

I still care 
I still care 
Fool that I am

& for the last song is I will survive to tell that no matter what happened, I still be alive ;)

Sugar Glider exhibition at MYDIN MITC Melaka

Last Saturday n Sunday, me & Alex went to the Mydin MITC Melaka.....
There was an exhibition of Sugar Glider host by one of the famous breeder at Penang, Fazlee Suggie Shop...
Both day was very awesome!!
Yg paling best, ramai yg tegur, & they seems to very know me...
& of coz they do...
I je yg x kenal dorg..
It's not x kenal actually, just x cam aje..
Mmg most of the ppl I met that day, always IM-ing with me but then most of them did not put their real pic on their Fb...
Then how come nk recognize aite?

X byk pon keje yg kami buat..
Sekadar beramah mesra dgn sume org & educate new ppl that interested on Sugar Glider...
I was so blessed bila dpt jumpa all the Otai like Kak Allena, Fazlee & Andy..
Thanks Andy for bathing, nail-clipping & checking my suggies :)

Event ni berjalan dgn lancarnye...
Walaupon x ramai team-mates yg dtg tp sokongan dr pengunjung sgt meriah :)
& as usual, we met certain owner yg bela sg dorg dgn cara yg slh...
Mls dh nk ulas psl al yg ni...
Ape pon, c what's on my hand?
Platinum Mosaic ;D

Platinum Mosaic
Own by Kak Allena 


This entry might offend certain ppl feeling but I don't care cz they offended mine as well...
I used to have best friends before..
3 BFF...
Don't want to mention their name..
If they read this post, they'll know who they are...

The reason y I want to write this entry is to express how devastated I am with them..
They forgot their vows, they forgot their promise to NOT left me behind, to BE my bff till the end of time, to BE my "twin", to BE with me no matter what happened...
They totally forgot all of that...

I know, my behaviour r not so good..
Usually I'm the one who always being dominant for some reason...
But they have their own dirty laundry too..
Selama ni, dr pemerhatian peribadi..
Mostly they'll really searching for me when they need me for their on good..
Nk g jalan2 ke, nk g sane sini, nk buat tu ini..
Br la betul2 cari..
Bile da sesak baru terhegeh2 nk datang...
Tu yg kau katakan aku ni BFF kau?
bile kau da tersepit br nk datang cari?

Ye, aku mmg bodoh sbb layan org macam kau..
Tp disebabkan aku mmg betul jujur syg kau, aku layankan jugak...
Tp bila kau senang, ade kau ingat kwn kau yg sorg ni?
Kau enjoy dgn org lain..
Time menangis br nk cari aku...

Aku mmg x kisah..
Tp dlm x kisah aku, aku sgt terasa hati..
Segala pertolongan aku korang padam mcm tu je..
Segala sumpah janji korg, korg buang mcm tu je..
Macam ni ke kawan?

Yesterday one of my ex-bff add me on fb..
She said she afraid that I might forgetting her..
I never forget ppl..
Especially the 1 that I love the most..
The 1 that I put my vow on them..
Never ever...
But yes, I do left her behind..
Because she broke her promise 1st..
She said that she never accept ppl than cannot accept me..
But then she forgot myb..
The man beside her doesn't like me..
Where the hell is ur promise girl?
Ok la, I won't bug because u love him right?
He matters a lot to u..
It's ok..
I'll save my tears for that...

Now she's back..
But she didn't  put the title twin or bff anymore on me instead of her new friend kt tempat keje..
Its ok, I won't bug on that too cz u have ur own right to do that..
Sape la aku lg dh skg ni..

The other 1..
She's the coolest friend ever...
Always make me laugh, always remind me to not shop things that is not necessary, selalu buat photo shoot with me cz kami cam-whore :)
But then dirty laundry dye sgt2 nampak bila I said to her that I won't be able to send her back after school..
Immediately menjauhkan diri just like that..
At 1st I think she might be terasa..
But for the second time, same thing happened..
Ok so I can see what she wanted from me actually...
Always search for me when she got some problem, also forgetting me bila dye tgh senang, happy, n bersuka ria..

The last one..
She's the longest bff I ever had..
Since form 1 until form 6 we r together, never arguing, never fight on anything..
But then Allah nk uji kita..
Dgn senangnye kau percaya kata2 nista dr org yg cemburu dgn keakraban kita..
Mmg aku kecewa..
Kau herdik aku dlm kelas..
Aku terpinga2..
X pela, bnd tu pon da settle..
Tp aku nk kau tau yg aku mmg betul2 kecik hati dgn ape yg da jd..

Byk lg yg aku nk coretkan tp cukupla smp sini..
Bg yg terasa dirinya disebutkan, maafkan lah aku....
Aku just luahkan ape yg aku rasa selama ni..
Mmg aku kecewa sgt dgn tindakan korg selama ni...
X pela..
Aku tetap ingat korg..
Tp aku x kn cari korg sbb aku tau kt mane kedudukan aku pada mata n hati kau kau dan jugak kau...

Time kasih cz pernah menggembirakan hidup aku...

**Frankly "writing", I cried while typing this entry....


Bye2 October, & hello November :)
Yeah I know I wrote this entry a day late to welcoming the arrival of November..
Ehh suke hati den la kan, blog den..
Bilo2 den nk tulih, den punyo suko la..
Haha kn da kua bahaso nogoghi ;p

Hmm am I excited?
Not so excited...
Because my Sem break will be end soon...
Ahhh malas ouhh nk masuk balik belajar..
Al-maklumlah da cuti bapak giler lame..

Bout October, nothing much happened...
Cm biase la..
Time cuti, makan tidor berjalan main game online..
Tu je la rotate hari2...

Actually I already planned what I want to do on my Sem break...
Tp x de satu pon yg berjaya dilaksanakan..
It's ok..
I still got 20 days more to go..
Hopefully I can make it..

To November, Please be nice to me..
Tq :)

I'm Sick!!!

Today is the day where I am totally sick...
Not today actually..
The sickness started from yesterday..
I got some rashes all over my hand, my feet, & some part of my body..
The rashes got "water" in it..
Org melayu panggil tu "Cacar Air"..
The itchiness that I feel cannot be describe by words..
Seriously I feel like I want to drag the itchy part on the road...
Then I got period pain some more & I totally lost my appetite..
Seriously I feel pity on my body itself..
Besar ni dugaan..
Plg besar part senggugut n gatal2 ni la..

I went to see doctor and she injected me..
Ok please take note that I HATE NEEDLES..
Seriously F*****G Hate Needles...
G mampos la doc tu nk irritated ngn my reaction during the injection session kan..
Sbb da mmg takut nk buat cmne...

I refused to take the cream medicine because I have to handle my sugar gliders..
I'm afraid I might be forgotten bout the med on omy skin & start to play with them..
I really don't want to risk their life becaue it is poisonous aite?
Bia la I yg tanggung sakit drpd dorg yg sakit...

Tolong la cpt hilang sakit ni...
X tahan dh tergaru2..
Kulit da menggerutu sgt dh ni n gatal sgt2 yg amat x terkata owhhh!!! ;(

Wordless Wednesday

17/05/11 -- 17/09/11

Harini genap sebulan kehilangan Loki...
Rasa sunyi x de dye..
Klu x dulu salu bertempik membebel kt dye coz nakal sgt...
Dun want to over-writing this entry..
Kang nangis..
X nk nangis2 ni..
Penat dah...

To Loki, my dear son...
Loki, mummy doakan Loki selamat kt lua sana..
Maafkan mummy cz x dapat jaga Loki lama n sebabkan kecuaian, Loki terlepas keluar dr bilik...
Kalau Loki bole rasa mummy nye rindu ni, cuba la jejak..
Sume org kt rumah ni rindu kn syg...
Jane lagi la rindukan Loki...
Sian dye tinggal sekor je kt cage tu...
Dye da dapat kawan baru tp tetap x sama dgn Loki..
Even though u r stubborn but u still a very nice boy..
Mummy loves to see how u treat Jane...

I miss the way u disturb my sleep...
I miss the way u barking at me to get my attention..
I miss the way u look at me..
Ur sparkling eyes look so sweet...
I miss the way u kiss my cheek...
Ouhh I miss everything about u...

Ya Allah, Kau sampaikan la pada Loki katakan yg aku rindu dia sgt2...
Kalau ada jodoh n rezeki kami lg Ya Allah, Kau tunjukkan la jalan tuk dye balik ke rumah...
Kalau sudah termaktub ketentuan-Mu Ya Rabb, bahawa dia bukan lgi milikku,
Kau selamatkan la dia dari ancaman2 berbahaya yg ada di luar sana...

(ok, nangis jugak akhirnya)

In Memory
17/05/11 -- 17/09/11

Can't Smile Without You

Dusty already my wall hah?
Busy ngn final exm la katakan..
Since I already finished my exam, starting today I will force my self to blogging almost everyday..
Up to u guys la nk baca ke tidak yg penting sy puas :)

So, my entry today is about LOVE SONG...
Yeah love song..
It is my theme to seek for a new song every time I reach new monthsary...
Last time on my 1st monthsary I chose song by Bo Amir entitled Lagu...
Don't worry, u still can here it after Barry Manilow finish singing okeh? ;D

For my second monthsary, I chose this song by Barry Manilow..
U will hear this song trough out this whole months every time u view my blog...
Actually I love Carpenter's version more because her sweet voice :)
If u guys wanna hear how is the Carpenter's version, kindly view this video ok? ;D

If u guys perasan, there's a bit of difference between the lyrics aite?
I try to find the song cover by the Carpenters but failed....
Hmm x pela, denga je la mane2 yg korg nk denga ye?
Enjoy the song :)

this is the lyric sung by Barry Manilow

You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you
You came along just like a song
And brighten my day
Who would of believed that you where part of a dream
Now it all seems light years away
And now you know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when your sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile
Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find
Well, I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me
And you see I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel glad when you're glad
I feel sad when you're sad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you

And this is by the Carpenters :)

You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh, and I can't sleep
I don't even talk to people I meet
And I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
And you must know what I'm goin' thru
I just can't smile, without you
You came along just like a song
You brightened my day
Who'd believe you were part of a dream
That only seemed light years away
And you know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
And you must know what I'm goin' thru
I just can't smile, without you
Some people say the happiness wave
Is somethin' that's hard to find
Into the new leavin' the old behind me
And I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
And you must know what I'm goin' thru
I just can't smile, without you
Into the new, leaving the old behind me
And I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
And you must know what I'm goin' thru
I just can't smile, without you
You must know what I'm goin' thru
I just can't smile, without you

Renungan bersama (Ehsan drpd Salihin Ein)

Siapa kata jadi perempuan tu SENANG

Nak kena tutup sana, tutup sini...
Tengok budak lelaki, pakai baju pagoda pon orang x bising
Perempuan, stoking pon kena pakai

Cuba suruh budak lelaki jadi perempuan satu hari
Komfem x tahan bertutup semua
Tapi, perempuan cool jek
Tengah panas pon boleh lagi pakai jubah, hebat kan perempuan

Siapa kata jadi perempuan tu senang
Tiap2 bulan, mesti ada penyakit
Nak pergi kelas pon susah
Kalau boleh, masa tengah jalan tu nak jek meraung sbb sakit

Cuba tengok budak lelaki , selamber jek
Kadang2 setahun sekali pon susah nak dapat sakit
Tapi, perempuan hidup berpuluh2 tahun dgn penyakit tiap2 bulan, survive jek
Tengah2 sakit pon boleh senyum lagi sampai orang pon x perasan yg dia sakit
Hebat kan perempuan :)

Siapa kata jadi perempuan tu senang
Hati ni Allah jadikan lembut betul
Cepat jek sensitif
Cuba tengok orang putus cinta
Selalu perempuan yg paling susah nak lupa
Lelaki lepas putus cinta cepat jek pasang baru

Cuba pergi wayang tengok cerita hindustan
Siapa yg paling teruk menangis
Perempuan kan?lelaki boleh gelak2 lagi
Lembut tak lembut hati perempuan
Tapi dengan hati yg lembut tu perempuan dapat mengkagumkan lelaki

Hebat tak perempuan?

Disebabkan susahnya nak jadik perempuan ni lah, ramai perempuan yg merajuk Dengan Allah
Diorang cakap, Allah x adil
Kenapa Allah lebihkan lelaki
Kenapa perempuan kena dengar cakap suami
Kenapa syurga perempuan terletak di bawah kaki suami
Padahal jadi perempuan tu sangatlah susah
Bak kata orang, nak jaga 10 anak lelaki, x susah macam nak jaga sorang anak perempuan

Dan disebabkan perasaan negatif dekat Allah ni, ramai perempuan2 kat luar sana yg bebal
Diorang pakai pakaian yg tidak menutup aurat dengan alasan, 'lelaki x payah tutup pon'
Diorang berani bertepuk tampar dengan lelaki
Diorang sanggup gadaikan diri diorang sbb percaya dengan janji manis kekasih yg busuk hati
Kesian kan kat diorang

Disebabkan fikiran yg negatif terhadap Allah, diorang sanggup rosakkan diri diorang
Diorang cakap diorang buat macam tu sbb Allah x adil

Persoalannya sekarang
Betul ke Allah x adil dengan perempuan?

Betul, syurga perempuan terletak di bawah kaki suami
Tapi, cuba ingat balik, syurga seorang anak lelaki terletak di bawah kaki siapa?
Kalau bukan kaki ibunya

Betul, isteri kena ikut cakap suami
Tapi, seorang anak lelaki kena taat pada ibunya 3 kali lebih utama daripada ayahnya
X adil lagikah Allah pada perempuan?

Allah bukan setakat adil, tapi Allah tu sangat sayang kat perempuan

Untuk lelaki, syurga isterinya terletak di bawah kakinya
Kalau paling banyak dia ada 4 orang isteri
Cuma ada 4 orang yg syurganya bergantung pada seorang lelaki tu

Tapi perempuan, ditakdirkan ada 15 orang anak lelaki
Bermakna ada 15 orang yg syurganya terletak pada seorang perempuan tu
MashaAllah, hebatnya perempuan kan?

Kenapa perempuan hebat? sebab kasih sayang Allah yg jadikan kita hebat

Cuba dengar pula lagu2 yg berkumandang dekat radio
Banyak lagu pasal perempuan kan
Contohnya macam lagu SUMAIYYAH,
Jarang kita dengar lagu pasal lelaki

Sayang x sayang Allah tu dekat perempuan, sampai perempuan dikasihi macam Tu sekali dekat dunia

Tengok pula, bila seorang lelaki berjaya...

Orang akan cakap:
'Disebalik kejayaan seorang lelaki terdapat seorang perempuan di belakangnya'

Kita x pernah dengar orang cakap:
'Disebalik kejayaan seorang perempuan terdapat seorang lelaki di belakangnya'

Kan? Hebat x Allah jadikan perempuan tu
Masih x adil lagikah Allah dekat perempuan?

Allah sebenarnya terlampau adil dekat perempuan
Sampaikan disebabkan susahnya nak jadi perempuan ni
Perempuan senang nak masuk syurga

Tengok hadis ni:

"Apabila seorang perempuan mendirikan sembahyang lima waktu, berpuasa sebulan (Ramadhan), menjaga kehormatan dan taat kepada suami, dia akan disuruh memasuki syurga melalui mana-mana pintu yang dia sukai."
(Hadis Riwayat Ahmad)

X adil lagikah Allah dekat perempuan?

Oh perempuan, sedarlah
Betapa sayangnya Allah dekat kita
Betapa cintanya Allah dekat kita
Tapi, kenapa kita nak rosakkan diri kita kerana fikiran2 negatif yg x berasas dekat Allah
Allah jadikan perempuan tu sebagai hiasan dunia
Bayangkan, dunia yg besar ni, dunia yg cantik ni, kita jadi hiasan
Dan seindah2 hiasan tu adalah wanita solehah
Kesiannya dekat kita kalau kita tolak untuk jadi seindah hiasan kan

Sekadar perkongsian bersama

~ Wahai kaum adam.. Hargailah wanita yg sentiasa berada disisimu.. Bimbinglah dia, Kalau silap langkahnya, Adam pun turut dapat nama di akhirat kelak.. Adam tegur Hawa dengan cara yang baik dan kena dengan caranya.. Didiklah dia menjadi wanita solehah krn dia adalah dari tulang rusukmu.. Lindungi dia dari fitnah dunia.~

Bukankah Hawa dicipta daripada tulang rusuk Adam untuk disayangi dan dilindungi...

Bukannya untuk disakiti dan dikhianati...

Renungkanla ~

Intan Farhana


it said that :
Intan :
Term for something that is extreme in beauty or sex appeal.
Also a term for a girl with huge breasts.

"Intan, you're looking really hot right now"

Farhana :
A girl who can eat enough food to provide for a small village in Africa, yet manages to stay as skinny as a toothpick.

"Wow, Farhana just ordered 3 double cheeseburgers, a large fries and coke. I don't understand how she's so skinny"

# ok i do agree on the Farhana's yg Intan tu..errrrrr *__*

Raya Doom....

My raya celebration doesn't seems good enough...
A very bored raya week..
I've been stranded at my hometown for 5 days..
No internet, no hp line..
No interaction with other ppl....
There's only me, my mom, my dad, my grandma, my cats & my sugar gliders...
Owhh!! My rabbit....
That's all..
No relatives...
Poor me..
I'm so jealous when my bf told me that he went to the cinema with all of his relatives and watch movies together..
I never get chances like that...
He got a strong bonding with all of his family but not mine...
For 5 days I just spend my day in front of my laptop finishing my micro teaching project n playing game....
While my lil' sis busy with her PS2....
Only 3 family came to our house visit us...
I ask my parents to take us to go beraya..
But they refused...
I dunnoe y...
But they took us to go to Bukit Tinggi, jalan2...
Jalan2? Haishhhh...

Ok2, I did enjoy that session but deep inside my heart, I feel so wasted...
Raya is when we will go to all our friends and relatives house, visit them...
I remember my last year & last 2 years raya, we went to jalan2 too...
For the whole holiday, we went to other places, jalan2, makan2, shopping....
Did u guys see what I'm trying to tell?
Yes I know, u guys must be wondering kenapa x I sndri pegi jalan2 umah org kan?
Most of my childhood friends already move out from my hometown...
Kalau ade yg tgl pon sume berambus balik kampung masing2...
Acaner nk cakap?
Really hard to say..

I really miss my childhood raya memories....
I don't miss the time when I get duit raya..
But I miss the time when all my cousins, auntie uncle, went back together, setting up the lantern, bising2 1 rumah masak2, susun kuih raya, main bunga api, nyanyi lagu raya and many more...
I really enjoy when all my cousins are there together celebrating raya with me..
I hope 1 day all will be back to what we used to be...


Heart Attack!!!

OMG, I really2 had a heart attack today thanks to my lovely son, Loki....
Ya Allah dye ni suke sgt la buat mummy nye risau...
Dl da hilang skli, da nk panic dh tp jumpe...
Ni pon hilang lg...
Hilang nye bkn dlm bilik lak tu..
Da smp ke grill umah...

Mmg salu pagi2 pas sahur I akn bukak pintu cage dye nk bg dye main2 sekitar bilik..
Mmg hari2 buat mcm tu...
Tp pagi ni mcm lain skit sbb dye x kacau langsung I tido...
Buat bodo je lagi cz ingat kn dye sonok sgt la hrni kua main2 kan...
Da kul 1.30 ptg still senyap je...
Try cri kt kotak salu dye lepak, xde..
K ilekk agi...
Cari lak kt celah baju....Xde jgk....CHill lagi....
Cari lak kt dlm Gobok baju pon xde gk, lekkk lagi...Huhh....
Da hbs round 1 blik, tak ade jugak!! K da start risau  >_<"

Bajet nk majok ngn cik abang smp malam..
Ahhh x bole jadi ni...Trus kol dye cite Loki ilang..
Dye pujuk suh cari ke lua bilik...
At 1st I refused cz I sgt2 yakin dye x kua blik sbb lubang sume da tutup termasuk tingkap ats tu da cover ngn kertas sume...
Tp selotep dye mcm da tanggal..
Tp dr 2 hari lepas lg da tanggal dh, xde lak c kecik ni kua....
K la ikut kan jgk la ckp dye, pegi la kua bilik..

Kua ke dpn, borak ngn Mr Kenit my beloved cat mintak dye tlg cari Loki...
Kacau2 dye tido then mata pon melilau la keliling garaj...
Tetibe nmpk 1 kelibat ala2 toyol berkepala botak...
Haiii laaa tolong setup lampu lip lap upenye...
Alhamdulillah, jumpe balik ;)
Muke dye totally lost mse tu..
Ye la x pnh2 smp ke dpn umah kn...
Dye lupe jalan balik la tu...
Sian anak mummy :(
Mse nmpk dye tu on the spot trus menangis sbb terkejut sgt kan...

Pasni kne pasang jaring dl kat tingkap atas tu baru dye bole kua dr cage...
From now on dye kne grounded dl..
Time kasih Ya Allah, Kau panjang kan jodoh kami lg....

Ni la dye muke budak nakal tu....Haiiiishhh :)

Old Memory...

Tetbe teringat kenangan lama masa darjah 5 dulu...
Zaman hingusan lagi ni...
Teringat plk kenangan dingorat dek sorang brader ni..
Wan Ahmad Naim namanya...
Tah mana la dye skang ni..
He's 1 year older than me....

Mengimbau balik kenangan masa tu, cmni citenye....
Masa tu ade pertandingan catur peringkat daerah n school Naim jd tuan rumah...
So kami dr school Dato' Klana Putra, Lenggeng pon berbondong2 la datang naik kete cikgu...
x silap school Naim ni kat Nilai la...
Sampai2 je, ingat lagi...Betul2 nga melangkah ke kantin tetbe sorang kakak ni tarik i tny i ni Intan ke...
N I said yes, y? (masa ni x speaking pon..hehe)
She said that there's a guy send a regards n she mentioned nama guy tu Wan Ahmad Naim...
I da pelik..Da la ni 1st time jejak kaki ke sini, belum btl2 tunjuk muka kt sume org tetbe da ade org kirim salam?
Gile ape? Haishhhh...
Wt bodo je, so breakfast then gerak ke classroom yg da di set up kan...

Sampai2 je perasan yg ade bunch of guys tunjuk2 n say something...
I'm wondering slh sorang dr dorang ke?
Wt bodo lagi...
Masuk je dlm mintak list nama peserta dr cikgu, n yes dat guy pon masuk bertanding...
N guess what? Dye la peserta terbaik masa tu :)

Masa rehat, lepak2 kt lua classroom, dye ade..
That time I still dunoe which is Naim...
Tetbe sorg mamat ni dtg tunjuk kt Naim tu said that he call me to come nearby...
Mmg x ahh nk pegi kan...
Jual mahal ni...Kih kih kih ;p

That guy bg surat plak lepas tu...
Depan mata dye jgk I koyak..
Yes, I was so mean that time...
Alahai budak2 lgi, ape je tau..
Baru darjah 5 kn....

Tapi kan, that guy handsome actually..
Putih melepak, mata cantik, tinggi, sedap je mata memandang :)
Tapi disebabkan masa tu tgh minat c Yazid, so proposal dari Naim ditolak mentah2...
Haii bodo nye la rase skg ni kan...

Tetbe terbayangkan la cmne la kalau kami betul2 kapel, adakah ianya sampai skang ke x..
Klu la sampai skang kn, wowww 10 tahun babe..!!!
Kih kih kihhh...

Ahhhh berangan je la kau ni hai Intan....
Perangai player ko tu mana ko nk campak?
Ade hati nk kapel lame smp 10 tahun....Phuiiii...!!!
Hikk hikkkk ;p

Ade jgk try cari dye b4 this...
Kt Fb, Myspace n Friendster...
Tp x jumpa..
Xtau la klu dye mmg xde tu sume or I yg silap type nama ke pe kan..
Cari pon as for apology pasal dulu tu n just want to start a fresh friendship ;)
Tp x pe la xde rezeki nk jumpa balik....
Jumpa dlm mimpi je la...

Tp player tu da lame tinggal dh..
Since I met Syafiq lagi...
Then now I met my Mr Right :)
Zulfadly Zulkifli ;)
I do love him with all my heart...
Dun worry yayunk, I bukan player lg dh..
I'm all yours ;)

Shame on You..!!

I was called to write bout this entry after I saw this one guy who post status on his FB...
His post are sooo called RACIST...
N he is a Malay guy..
My gosh, what a shame...
I knew him on January when I wanted to buy my 1st Sugar Glider...
Yes, at 1st he seems to be a very nice man..
But slowly he shows his true colors....
Very dark colors...
He starting to be so Snobby, Arrogant, n yeah, Lupa Diri...
Let see his status below :

"sape2 yg blm tahu, sy sbnrnya buat business ne nan bantu bangsa sy sendiri. sblm ne sape2 melayu buat business sg akan dipulaukan smpi business dia jatuh. sy je yg mampu bertahan hampir 3 thn n sekarang giliran sy utk jatuh kan diorg. tu hrp masing2 dapat bg kerjasama. sy klu blh nk jual product sg paling murah dlm market n berkualiti"

"sy wat business ne nak tlg melayu. yg sy ckp "diorg" tu bkn melayu. klu sape2 xpuas hati sy xkisah wlupun sy bukan aiman... sy tetap xkan tunduk dgn bangsa laen. tu prinsip sy."

"Sape yg jd mass breed n supply sg underaged kat pasaran M'sia? Melayu ke? mcm tu still ada yg nak support diorg tu. Sape yg byk beli n kena tipu sg underaged? Melayu jgk... sbb tu sy nak jatuh kan diorg dgn ape yg sy ada... sy akan guna pengaruh / peluang media massa yg sy ada..."

"Hr2 ade jew kes sg mati... sbb tu sy xsupport diorg, org kita yg terkena. Ne sy ckp nak fight diorg, ada je yg xpuas ht. nak back up jgk diorg. korg tkt nak fight sbb masih bergantung pd diorg lg... hr ne jew sy dpt lbh kat 10 org msg brth sg dia mati sbb underaged. bkn sikit."

K meh cni nak jawab status dye tu ye ( tulis bhse mlyu la sng)
1st status :
I tau sape u dr start u buat bisnes..I tau u jgk la yg jatuhkan kwn u sndri, tindas kwn u Org Melayu...Nasib u la dat guy mengadu kt I....Itu ke yg dinamakan u start buat bisnes tuk tlg bangsa sndri? Jgn ingt org x tau ape u pnh buat dl ms u start bisnes la...Bkn I x tau mse u start bisnes dl pon u bekerjasama dgn Chinese ppl sbb u nk naikkan bisnes u tu..Then now u nk jatuhkan dorg? Ohh man, come on la...Jgn la lupa daratan..Diorg tu la yg tolong u naikkan bisnes dl la...Giliran u tuk jatuhkan diorg? Hey, who do u think u r? Tuhan ke? Allah je yg ade kuasa nk jatuh n bangunkan umat-Nya..Besar sgt ke kuasa u nk jatuhkan org yg plg berkuasa dlm bisnes in all over the world? We all know that Chinese ppl la org plg berkuasa dlm bidang bisnes..Lg ade hati nk jatuhkan dorg? N nk mintak kerjasama dr kami? Hell no..!! Hey islam x ajarla umatnye tuk bekerjasama dlm menjatuhkan bangsa lain...So shame of u!

2nd status :
U buat bisnes ni nk tolong melayu? Ohh really? Then what happen to D (bkn name sebenar) ??? Ape yg u buat kt dye dulu? Mse budak tu baru nk naik, ape u buat kt dye? U pulau kan dye kan? U tindas dye, u cantas dye....Bile dye da dapat bertapak ats kaki sndri, baru la terhegeh2 nk offer tu ini...U think that guy want to accept all of ur favors after what u've done to him? U x nk tunduk pada bangsa lain tu lantak u la...Xde sape kt dunia ni yg nak tunduk pada org lain...Tp agak2 la...

3rd status :
Yes mmg Chinese ppl yg jd supplier terbesar Sg kt Malaysia...Then ape masalahnye? Klu da tau mcm tu, nape u x bangunkan bisnes u sndri n jadi mass breeder melayu terbesar pertama kt Malaysia? Tunjukkan yg kite as orang melayu yg rajin ditindas ni bole berdiri sama tinggi n bole lagi tinggi dr dorang? Nape smp nk jatuhkan dorg plak? Chinese ppl x pnh pon jatuhkan bisnes org melayu...My dad pon buat bisnes jgk, n u know what? yg rajin tolong dye is Chinese ppl...Yg rajin tindas dye is kaum kite sndri, Melayu...APe nk cakap skang ni? Ape je kuasa yg u ade? Stakat pengaruh media massa? Hey come on la, org bodoh bole la u nk tipu..Kami yg bijak pandai ni bole menilai la care u tu cmne..Da tau Malay ppl yg ramai kne tipu sbb bli underage, nape x educate je dorang supaya jgn tertipu? Mcm la u x pnh tipu customer u sndri..Bkn org x tau kisah u jual sg JENGLOT kt newbie tu..Kantoi dah la..Betul2 pas u kua Mjlh 3 tu..Shame on u AGAIN!

4th status :
Sg tu mati lps sampai ke tgn pembeli...Still nk salahkan penjual ke? Nape kt tgn penjual x mati da sampai kat pembeli lak mati? Nampak kn mane silapnye? So terang2 la salah si pembeli tu yg x reti nk kumpul ilmu secukupnya...Come on la, jgn la nk bg statement merapu...Bkn salah seller tu sg tu mati pon...I ni sndri beli sg underage, Alhamdulillah Loki sihat wal'afiat smp skang berkat ilmu yg I cari selama ni...Klu sum1 tu btl2 tau cmne nk handle, bagi la sg yg bru seminit oop pon, dye bole jaga sampai ke besar la...Contoh Miss Dahlia Sabry..Her sg dibela dr b4 Muffin belum bole bukak mata cz parents dye mati...Kenapa dye nye x mati lak? Sbb dye ade ilmu yg ckup...Situation same je mcm klu dye beli dr seller...& nk terangkan kt cni ye, bukan sume Chinese seller yg jual underage...Ni ha kat Seremban ni kedainye jual sumenye 3 bulan ke atas...Harga pon lg murah dr u punye n lagi sihat la...Kami x takut n x bergantung pada dorg la...Kami just x sebodoh u yg nk malukan kaum sendiri dgn buat ape yg u buat....

Wahai insan yg berkenaan, sedar2la...
Langit x selalunya cerah...
Yes skang ni Allah bg rezeki yg sgt melimpah ruah kt u skg...
Tp Allah bole tarik sekelip mata je rezeki u tu...

& I'm wondering, what happened to ur Kedai yg u beriye2 sgt u nk bukak smp mintak yuran keahlian rm50 sorang tu?
What happened to that money? Where do it flow?
Nasib baik la I x jd ahli...Klu x, burn cmtu je kan....
Dlm M3 U said that u x buat bisnes dlm apartment? Then can u explain where is ur shop?
Ur GHOST SHOP to be clear...Smp skang u buat bisnes dlm umh u kan...Mse shooting pon still dlm umah jgk...Adoi, bangkit la dr tidur tu....

Dah2 la pilih bulu dlm layan customer...
Yg cantik layan sgt baik...
Yg x cantik, yg lelaki, u x lyn elok pon...
Pas beli barang x reti nk ucap terima kasih....
Orang da jd penyampai rezeki dr tuhan pon still x nk bersyukur...
Hey, customer u hampir sume melayu la...
Nape nk layan dorang berbeza? Kate td nk tolong kaum sendiri?
Tu la kata2 jerat diri sendiri...
Harga pon sesedap bute je nk letak...
Yela dl mse i still newbie bodo2 alang lg mmg x tau hrge pasaran bole la u nk tipu kn..
Hpw + madu yg sepatutnya x smp 50 pon cas smp dkt rm70..
Bgs la...
Time kasih bebanyak..

N bile org bagi nasihat kt Fb tu, time la...
X yah la nk delete n block orang2 yg ade akal fikiran dr u tu...
Manusia jns ape yg panggil pesaing2 n rakan2 pesaing dye as Monyet?
Dye bole samakan manusia dgn monyet?
Nauzubillah ~

FYI, klu x disebabkan I, u da nk kne saman taw x dgn 1 pihak ni...
Dorg nk bukak kes cz u niaga dlm apartment which is mmg salah berniaga di premis kediaman (x arif sgt bab ni tp abah kata mm slh niaga haiwan dlm umh)
Klu x I yg backup u smp I sndri pon kne maki cz backup u, mmg bisnes u da lingkup la man..
Xde dh sg kt dlm apartment u tu..
Sume terbang ke bwh...
X de sorg pon yg tau kisah ni..
K now 1 dunia da bole tau dh...
I kua kan cite ni sbb u tu mmg x kenang jasa org
Mse mintak tolong mmg beriya2 x menyempat2 smp I nk suap nasi pon x boleh...
Mmg dasar x tau dek untung...
Yes diz sounds like mengungkit but I dun care anymore...

Moga Allah bg petunjuk dan hidayah pada mu wahai owner page Suggie Shop (x yh la check fb dye ni sbb dye da delete dh status tu)....

Sape2 yg baca entry ni, pandai2 la korang nilai tntg peribadi dye ni...
I will not ask all of u to support what I've wrote in here...
I just want u all to know the real story is...

Kepada sape2 yg rase nk dye mintak maaf kpd sume org especially pada kaum2 lain, kindly click here :

Amy Winehouse

She's not pretty....
Nothing so special about her...
Her attitude was so severe...
Yet she got a very beautiful voice....
I really adore her voice..
The way she sing, her jazzy style really melts my heart...
Her song sangat superb...
The lyrics are so meaningful...
She wrote a lots bout her life especially on her 1st album, Frank....

She's the reason why I fallin' in love with Jazz songs...
N my singing style also been influenced by her a lot...
But now she's already gone...
Rest in peace dear...
Ur contribution in music was phenomenal ;)

Here is one of my fav song from her.....

The New Me ;)

Alhamdulillah, its already 2 days since I change my appearance..
From free hair to wearing Hijab :)
Tanam hasrat nk bertudung da lame sgt...
Since skola menengah lg..
But due to certain circumstances, hajat tu asik tertangguh2 sampai la hr Isnin bersamaan 8 August 2011, akhirnya bertudung jugak ;)
Makan tahun jugakla nk sampai ke hari tu....

Tetbe nye terbuka hati ni masa 2nd day of exam haritu...
Tah kenapa, tibe2 je rase nk capai shawl n try lilit kt kepala...
after several minutes, tetibe datang 1 suara says, "Intan, this is the time where u should start to wearing ur Tudung"
It must be my voice within & yes, I'm following it...
Then dgn izin Allah, tertutupla mane yg patut :)

Lots of my fwen doesn't believe in my changes...
Even my parents also think that I just want to playing fool...
Yeah I know that I'm that kind of person who love to make fun & jokes & do a thing halfway..
But not for this big thing...
I never think of to play fool or make a joke...
N many of them think that I'm changing because of my new man...
No no no no..
There's nothing to do with him at all..
This Hijab's idea totally come from my self....

Recalling my 1st experienced coming to the class wearing Hijab....
All of my fwens r totally laughing like hell...
That situation really ache my heart actually but I just take it as a challenge...
Yela, x penah2 seumur hidup nk g claz pkai tudung, tetbe all of the sudden pakai plak kan..
Mmg pelik la..
My besty, Afifi mmg btul2 nk makan kaki..
Ade ke dikatanya I ni HIPOKRIT????
Sabor je la...
Byk kali dye tny ni btl2 pakai or just sbb puasa...
I said I mmg btl2 pakai...
Then he ask again, izzit because of someone else or its just me who really want to wear it?
& of coz la I said this is totally my idea, my intention...
But then he doesn't want to believe it bcz he know that I have a new man by my side so he think that my man who influenced me to wear a Hijab..
Mmg stok nk kene ketuk kepala kan dye tu? :)
2,3 kali yakinkan dye, at last dye terima yg I mmg betul nk bertudung...
& thx for the advice dear :)

My mom was the first person who rejected my idea of wearing tudung....
Yela, hny mak je yg kenal anak2nye kan..
She think that I will not "survive" in this changes...
Well, ok....
I'll prove to her that her expectation will be totally wrong :)

Thx for my love, even though dye pon same 2x5 je gelak cm setan pas tgk I pakai tudung...
Heee ni pon lg sorang stok nk kene sekeh laju2 ;p
Jangan marah Yayunk, gurau2 je ;D
Thx for believe in me n supporting me from the beginning...
Thx for ur comments after being the 1st who saw me wearing tudung...
I love u like no others, sayang :)

Ya Allah, Kau permudahkan la perjalanan hidup ku yg baru ni..
Segala dugaan yg Kau bg akan ku hadapi dgn rela hati..
Time kasih Ya Allh cz akhirnya terbuka juga pintu hati ni tuk melaksanakan salah 1 tanggungjawab terhadapMu...

Exam ohh Exam

Alhamdulillah, Mid Sem Exam is already finished.....No more last minute study, no more stress of the exam questions....Huhuhu....
What I want to share today is, Things that I LIKE & HATE about the examination.....
K we start with the things that I Like 1st :)

> Of course lah no need to attend classes...Heheheh
> No need to hear all the lecture from the lecturers
> Can wake up late if the exam is schedule on the evening :)
> No need to be too LAWA or Chantek ( yes I admit, I never doll up myself during examination...Nk wat pe, kite nk ngadap paper exam je, bukan ngadap pakwe )

K now, ( drum rolls )

> Need to revise all the topic learned cz Lecturer x bagi tips mane yg masuk
> Got eye bag some more cz staying up late night studying
> Da study, da yakin ni ingat sumenye....Bukak je paper, gelap mata sbb x ingat ape pon...X pon, ape yg dibaca x masuk 0_o"
> Soalan berbelit....X paham ape yg soalan tu nak...Lastly, x jawab...
> Not enough time to answer all the question ( either the questions r too tough or too excited in answering cz it is too easy until x perasan yg masa da x cukup...Kih kih kih )
> Since I can't stand the cold weather , I really hate exam especially when the exam kene jawab kt Chancellor Hall...Masyaallah, sejuk nk mampos...Pakai baju 2 lapis pon rse nk krem 1 bdn 0_o"



Being single doesn't mean that we r loner..
Sometimes being single best sebenarnya...
Nobody will nagging or arguing on whatever u do..
Yeah I'm single..
& I really enjoy it..
But sometimes I missed all the feeling of being needed, love, care, & etc by someone that I love....
Mmg single ni nmpk cool...
G jalan2, makan, shopping sorang2 je...
Tp jauh dilubuk hati ni mmg kosong....
Afternoon td merayau sorang2 kt Sunway Pyramid...
Perut lapar g la The Chicken Rice Shop mkn kt sane...
Mmg ramai yg duk pandang2 I duduk sane sorg2 & I terasa jgk sebenarnya..
Ape, pelik sgt ke tgk girl duduk mkn sorg2?
Rase kesian?
Come join my table, eat together with me..
U know what? I'm proud with myself actually cz I can stand on my own two feet..
I can drive by myself anywhere I want to go..
I can carry my stuff by my own two hands...
& many more...
X bergantung pada lelaki...
I can do so many things w/o their help...
But then, in terms of kasih sayang, I still need a man by my side..
But what can I do?
Most of the men that I've dated sumenye ade niat disebaliknya..
X perlula diterangkan di sini..
Cukupla sekadar paham sendiri ape mksud I tu...

Tp sesungguhnya Allah tu maha menynyangi...
Dlm ramai2 lelaki yg I knl, at last I jumpa jgk dgn yg baik...
My greatest B'day present...
Allah temukan aku dgn lelaki yg mengamalkan cara hidup yg bersih..
Lelaki yg aku impikan selama ni...
Apakah petandanye?
Hanya Allah yg maha mengetahui..

MTV World Stage

30 Second To Mars was the only reason y I went to the Mtv World Stage...
Klau x, mmg x jejak kaki langsung la...
Baik balik Senawang, guling2 dgn c Kenit...Huhu...
At 1st, I supposed to get the ticket from Fitri but on the last minute, he sold the ticket to Farid...
Ok myb this is the sign that I shouldn't go to the concert but then he told me that Hafizan got 1 ticket left...
I'm lucky I guess :)
So i bought the ticket from Hafizan n went to the I-City at 5.30 pm...
I was all alone from house cz Fitri n Liz were already there waiting for me...
Then tunggu plak Farid & Fahmi sampai....
Ok my attire for that day was just a singlet, jeans, sneakers....
Didn't bring any bag since i want to go all out...
Kang bwk beg, beg ke mana I plak ke mana..
Sumbat la pe yg patut dlm poket....
There was only 4 performances starting with Pop Shovit following by Beast then Neon Trees & last but not least the 30 Second To Mars ;)
Beast gile kuasa eyh, banyak gile lagu dye nyanyi...
X paham betul dgn org yg minat K-Pop ni..
Hmm x pe la, everybody got their own interest kan?
X elok kutuk...Hehehehe....

Hmmm ade cerita menarik mse Beast pny turn...
There was a guy who tap my shoulder asking bout Beast...
Starting from that, conversation tu keep on going sampai la 1 tahap that particular guy became my guardian sepanjang i jd "GILA" masa Neon Trees n 30 Second To Mars...
His name is ZulFadly (Bean) ;)
1 thing yg agak mengejutkan, dye bole tahan & layan perangai gile i...
X bole blah..
Rasenye klu guy lain da kne tolak tepi plus kene maki segala lah..hahaha...
U guys can't imagine how crazy I was...
Only he knew sbb dye yg jaga kn...Hehehe...
Thx dear, I really appreciated what U've done by taking care of me :)

At last Jared keluar jgk..
I told u, Jared mmg sgt2 handsome & charming..!!!
Goshhh serius excited sgt2 time dye perform...
Sampai kan Bean kne tegur la dgn org keliling tny I mabuk ke cz they thought that I ni gf Bean...
Sian dye, x pasal2 org lain pon pandang serong kt dye bcz of me...
I'm so sorry ;(
But he told me that he doesn't care at all (kalau tipu, siap dye..! huhu)

Back to Jared...
K ni yg paling x tahan...
Dye bole jemput org naik pentas?
& that girl dpt peluk dye..!!!
Seriously, my tears automatically keluar cz sgt2 jelous, x puas hati, sedih cz bkn I yg kt ats tu ;(
I x kesah ape dh org nk pk nk ckap I gile or what but I really can't control my emotion since i came to that concert just bcz of Jared..!!!
Hmmm dh xde rezeki kn, x pe la...
Bean jgk la yg melayan suh i stop crying then just enjoy the last show to the limit...
Again, thx Bean ;)

So the show end, Jared pegi blkg pentas, me n him kua terus g beli air then duduk skjp dpn skrin...
Saje je duduk situ cz penat kan then agaknye mmg Tuhan saja nk duga perasaan kan, Jared KELUAR BALIK KE PENTAS & AJAK SAPE JE YG NK NAIK PENTAS.....!!!!!!!!
I was like, WHAT THE?????
X de org lain dh, Bean lagi skli jd HERO tenangkan I...
Muka da masam mencuka dh sbb bengang kan...
X pela, x pat jmp dpn2 pon dpt amek gambar ber"background"kan Jared pon jadila...Hukk hukk...

Heee klaka betulla...
Yg kelaka nye cz mlm b4 tdo I recall balik from the beginning how crazy I was, then I met this guy who out of no where bole plk jaga I, lyn gile I....
Then trus blush sorang2...

Ape2 pon, I really2 enjoy the day...
Berpeluang see Jared on Live & got a new friend :)
I'm so Bless...
Tq Allah :)

3.30 pm till 3.30 am ( The Best 12 Hours I Ever Had )

What did i do?
Hang out with bunch of "body guards"....
Noah, Kimi, Asri, Kamarul, Ustad, Mokhtar,....
Ni je la kot...Huhu
1st we went to Laila's Lounge cz band Noah perform there...
& there r some other ppl who also perform like Syafik Rabbani, Heart-a-Tack, Zarul and The Protes, Asha & many more...
Seriously, Asha really melts my heart...
Damn he is soooo gud in playing guitar n singing..
His song were superb ;D
Log Out (Noah's Band) was awesome too :)
Seronok la kt sane..
We are the only crowd yg menyemarakkan keadaan..
& yes, I'm the only girl who keep screaming and requesting songs & bla bla bla..Hehehehe

Then we move on to Canai located at Subang, SS berapa tah...
But b4 that me & Noah sent Asri n Ustad balik dulu cz they got things to do...
So Kimi & Kamarul tunggu kt Canai la but it turns to be Me & Noah yg smpai dl & sempat plak hbs mkn sbb Kimi n Kamarul stuck dlm jammed...
Poor them...
After they arrived & finish eating sume, kiteorang gerak plak ke Rock of Youth kt Subang jgk (x ingt exact place dye)
Since Asri n Ustad went back to their home, ther was only Me, Noah, Kimi, Kamarul & Mokhtar

Ok Rock of The Youth ey..
Again, we became the only crowd yg bikin kecoh kt sane, kiteorg la yg plg bising & paling supportive ;D
Punye la supportive smp kn i x sedar i the ONLY GIRL yg panjat stage g bantai moshing mase Group ape tah perfom ( x tau exact spelling for their group name )
Patutla ade guys yg pandang i pelik...
i ngt kn ade la othr girls yg moshing same ats pentas, rupenye i sorg je....
Grrrr -_-"
But still, i dun give a damn care...
Lantak la org nk kate i ape, i just enjoy my day :)

Then TILU buat closing, & yes, again we become the only crowd yg supportive...
Kimi smp nk pengsan la time Myra kenyit mate kt dye...Hehehehe...

So kembali la kami ke Shah alam, lepak kt Pak Li Kopitiam...
Masing2 bercerita, gelak ketawa mcm kne sampuk Setan je...Huhuhu
Kimi siap bole berlakon la plk kejap kt situ...
Hadehh -_-"
Da lame sgt lepak then since every1 not really tired yet, we all decided to go back to Subang, g main Pool....
I jd pemerhati je :)
After finish beberapa round, sume pon pulang la ke "Sarang" masing2 :)

So lemme tell u for that 12 hours, our perjalanan was from

Can u guys see that?
Punye la gile ulang alik tmpt yg same byk kali...Hehehehe..

All I wanna say is, THIS IS THE BEST DAY I EVER HAD....
Thx guys for cheering me up after wht happened to me last nite....
I really2 appreciated it....
To Noah, thx for inviting me to chill out with ur group, To Kimi thx for bringing back my crazy character, To Mokhtar, thx for ur jacket, To Kamarul thx for ur Blackberry :)
& thx to all of u for being my body guards this whole day ;D

Yeah, i talked a lot for that particular 12 hours, & i know its kind of irritating, but thx again guys for not showing that u guys were irritate with me...
Love u guys a lot....!!!!

Nak tambah ckit....

( Bkn gambar sebenar cz tiket ade 1 je sbnrnye, mls nk snap )

Tadaaaaa....!!!! MTV World Stage..!!!!
Nk tgk Jared Leto je sbnrnye sok...Hehehehe...
Can't wait for his awesome performance ;D
Thx Hafizan for selling me the ticket ;)


FUCK u BITCH...!!!

I'm ur BITCH & ur FUCKER....
Kalau kau rase kau menyesal kwn balik ngn aku, remove je aku, buang je nombor aku, lenyapkan semuanya tp x perlu nk sumpah aku dgn perkataan mcm tu...

Mulia sgt ke kau tu smp suka hati kau je nk ckp aku mcm tu?
Aku ni sape?

Ni ke perangai org yg mengaku sayang sangat kt aku tu?
Nampak benor nipunye....
Aku x pernah rasa rimas ke ape pon, lg aku suka ade la cz silaturrahim da bertaub kembali.....
Aku suka cz dapat tunaikan permintaan Mama n Nenek tuk baik balik ngn kau....
Tp ni yg aku dapat...
X pe ni baru sekelumit je dugaan dari-Mu Ya Allah...
Aku redha...

Btw, thx for that "LOVELY" words k encik yg budiman lg mulia....
Akan ku kenang sampai ke mati.....

15 July 2011

I just turn to 21 last Friday...
yeah 21...
For real??
Damn da besar da aku rupenye :)
Nothing special again on diz year bday...
No suprise party or whatsoever...
But yeah i got 3 presents from my beloved fwens...
Thx Afiq, Izzy & Sya for ur lovely present...Really appreciated it :)
Thx 4 all the wishes from my family, my Ex, n all Suggie members :)
Hmm actually i got a superb bday la...
Got lots of wishes...
Yeah it doesnt matter if I got no big present or superb party...
I just want who knows me to remember, dats all :)
Thx Mama n Abah for all ur patience towards me, Jasa kalian x kan ku lupakan :)

* ok byk sgt wt smiley ;p

Mummy yg rajin...Rajin ke?? ;p

Tadaaa...!!! My new bonding pouch for my babies, Loki n Jane :) I made this by my own bare hand.....Such a tiring work.....The reason y I'm sew those bonding pouch without using machine is,I DUNNOE HOW TO USE THE SEWING MACHINE....!!!! What a shame aite? :( Ok for the material, I use a POLAR FLEECE BLANKET.....This fleece thingy is very hard to find.....I travel at least 3 different shops in a different location just to find this thing.....At last, THE STORE save me.....Hehehehe.....I fount it at the bedding department in THE STORE.....Phewww.....On the left side is for my own use while on the right side is for my BESAN.....Huhuhu.....Its for Jane's dad, Mr Dauz Zeze.....Sangat2 puas hti dpt siapkan bnd ni :) Next thing to do is set up Jane's cage with Tunnel, Hammock n Tent :)

...Hasil Pancingan...

Name je sakit, tp tetap gk kua shopping ngn Mama.....Weeee.....Still kne pakai sunglasses tiap kali kua sbb luke still x cantum g.....4 days in a row kua shopping.....Huhu.....1st g ke Aeon Bukit Tinggi, 2nd,3rd,4th days ke Jusco Seremban 2.....Bkn la shopping sakan pon, tp Mama just tunaikan jnji nye je.....Dpt early B'Day present :D Bli brg pon brg2 suke suki je.....Huhu.....Kt bwh ni antre hasil2 tangkapan slme 4 hr kua berjalan :)

Ni la early bday present from mama......H/bag Sembonia :)

Yg ni x beli pon.....Tp ni da masuk dlm wishlist.....Cantik sgt wane merah tu :)

Ni Beli kt Chic Avenue.....

 Haaa ni 2nd skirt yg I ade.....Bru 2 je skirt ade dlm almari??? Haha.....Ni bli kt Harajuku :)

Haaa ni lak kt F.O.S.....Bli 3 skli sbb stiap 1 ni ade owner nye.....1 i nye, 1 adik nye, 1 kak Atul pny.....Tp klu dorg x nk, tige3 I sapu la ;p

Haaa ni je la pon.....Ikut hati nk je borong byk lg tp mama kate tgu nk dekat raye nnt plk.....Wokeyh!!! :)

Disaster Week

Skang da cuti sem.....But then i didn't enjoy it at all.....Coz, my left eyes got BISUL......!!! Goshhhhh.....Da rase sakit dr last month but then buat bodo je.....Tetbe elok je start cuti sem, btul2 sampai je umah sok pagi bgn tido trus BENGKAK!!!!!  G Govern clinic, doc just pandang sekilas trus ckp " I bg u ubat titis n sapu ye, k u bole kua skang " Aku da terpinga-pinga dah.....X cakap sakit ape trus suh aku kua??? Bile tny sakit pe ckp dgn cre yg agak annoying, "owh ketumbit".....Da la x cek ape, trus ckp cmtu je......Smlm p clinic swasta, sbnanye bkn ketumbit pon tp bisul.....Mmg la doc kt Govern clinic tu mkn gaji bute je.....Mentang2 byr singgit je kan.....Hurmmm.....Doc Yeoh bg due smp Rabu ni je.....If x surut gk bengkak, kne g operate -___-"
Skang ni nk kua je kne pakai sun glasses.....Masuk Mall pon kne pakai.....Ye la takut kg kot2 ade yg pengsan plak tkjut tgk mate ni kan.....Tp yg x best nye sume org pandang pelik.....Peru ke aku buat sign "saya sakit mate, tlg jgn buat muke pelik" .....Hishhhhh......Ade gmbr muke sedey sbb x selesa je :)
Jgn pelik tgk pouch biru tergantung tu.....Tu pouch enchek Loki, my sugar glider :D